Categoria: Mixtape

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Sketches of Spain (Rap)

 Sketches of Spain (Rap)   In the last few years, some Spanish rappers have been trialled and sentenced by Spanish courts because of their lyrics. Musicians have been wondering if this is a...

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Guest Room #6 – Nico Tiny Records

Guest Room #6 – Nico Tiny Records “Guest Room” series is a weekly playlist coming from DJs, music collectives, and music passionate whom decide to share their music creatures with NFO Radio! This week,...

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Sketches of Jamaica – Side A/B

 Sketches of Jamaica – Side A/B   The third cassettina of “Sketches of..” takes us to the Caribbean island, Bob Marley’s motherland. Beyond the King of Reggae, a wide world of artists moves...

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Lyrics are useless – Lato D(aydreaming)

Lyrics are useless – Lato D(aydreaming) …e con questa cassettina chiudiamo la nostra serie di mixtapes dove non importano le parole – stavolta l’elettronica ci porta su altri pianeti, con un po’ di “french...

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Guest Room #3 – Lady Conscious Be

Guest Room #3 – Lady Conscious Be “Guest Room” series is a weekly playlist coming from DJs, music collectives, and music passionate whom decides to share their music creatures with NFO Radio! This week,...

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It’s so mundane! Side A/B

It’s so mundane! – Side A/B Come direbbe Courtney Barnett “It’s a Monday / It’s so mundane / What exciting things / Will happen today?” Noi vi proponiamo un viaggio casalingo e terra terra...

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Guest Room #2 – Lady Conscious Be

 Guest Room #2 – Lady Conscious Be “Guest Room” series is a weekly playlist coming from DJs, music collectives, and music passionate whom decides to share their music creatures with NFO Radio! This...

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Winter Potpourri – Side A

Winter Potpourri Una cassettina che Federica Palmieri presenta come il suo personale mix di ascolti del vecchio anno appena passato, tra folk, musica brasilana, indie, jazz e soul, sperando di regalarvi qualche scoperta musicale da...

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Guest Room #1 – Red Light Skyscraper

Guest Room #1 – Red Light Skyscraper “Guest Room” series is a weekly playlist coming from DJs, music collectives, and music passionate whom decides to share their music creatures with NFO Radio! This week,...